This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from the input file ./gcc.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Programming START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * gcc: (gcc). The GNU Compiler Collection. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents the use and the internals of the GNU compiler. Published by the Free Software Foundation 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the sections entitled "GNU General Public License" and "Funding for Free Software" are included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the sections entitled "GNU General Public License" and "Funding for Free Software", and this permission notice, may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English. File:, Node: Naming Results, Next: Min and Max, Up: C++ Extensions Named Return Values in C++ ========================== GNU C++ extends the function-definition syntax to allow you to specify a name for the result of a function outside the body of the definition, in C++ programs: TYPE FUNCTIONNAME (ARGS) return RESULTNAME; { ... BODY ... } You can use this feature to avoid an extra constructor call when a function result has a class type. For example, consider a function `m', declared as `X v = m ();', whose result is of class `X': X m () { X b; b.a = 23; return b; } Although `m' appears to have no arguments, in fact it has one implicit argument: the address of the return value. At invocation, the address of enough space to hold `v' is sent in as the implicit argument. Then `b' is constructed and its `a' field is set to the value 23. Finally, a copy constructor (a constructor of the form `X(X&)') is applied to `b', with the (implicit) return value location as the target, so that `v' is now bound to the return value. But this is wasteful. The local `b' is declared just to hold something that will be copied right out. While a compiler that combined an "elision" algorithm with interprocedural data flow analysis could conceivably eliminate all of this, it is much more practical to allow you to assist the compiler in generating efficient code by manipulating the return value explicitly, thus avoiding the local variable and copy constructor altogether. Using the extended GNU C++ function-definition syntax, you can avoid the temporary allocation and copying by naming `r' as your return value at the outset, and assigning to its `a' field directly: X m () return r; { r.a = 23; } The declaration of `r' is a standard, proper declaration, whose effects are executed *before* any of the body of `m'. Functions of this type impose no additional restrictions; in particular, you can execute `return' statements, or return implicitly by reaching the end of the function body ("falling off the edge"). Cases X m () return r (23); { return; } (or even `X m () return r (23); { }') are unambiguous, since the return value `r' has been initialized in either case. The following code may be hard to read, but also works predictably: X m () return r; { X b; return b; } The return value slot denoted by `r' is initialized at the outset, but the statement `return b;' overrides this value. The compiler deals with this by destroying `r' (calling the destructor if there is one, or doing nothing if there is not), and then reinitializing `r' with `b'. This extension is provided primarily to help people who use overloaded operators, where there is a great need to control not just the arguments, but the return values of functions. For classes where the copy constructor incurs a heavy performance penalty (especially in the common case where there is a quick default constructor), this is a major savings. The disadvantage of this extension is that you do not control when the default constructor for the return value is called: it is always called at the beginning. File:, Node: Min and Max, Next: Destructors and Goto, Prev: Naming Results, Up: C++ Extensions Minimum and Maximum Operators in C++ ==================================== It is very convenient to have operators which return the "minimum" or the "maximum" of two arguments. In GNU C++ (but not in GNU C), `A ? B' is the "maximum", returning the larger of the numeric values A and B. These operations are not primitive in ordinary C++, since you can use a macro to return the minimum of two things in C++, as in the following example. #define MIN(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? : (X) : (Y)) You might then use `int min = MIN (i, j);' to set MIN to the minimum value of variables I and J. However, side effects in `X' or `Y' may cause unintended behavior. For example, `MIN (i++, j++)' will fail, incrementing the smaller counter twice. A GNU C extension allows you to write safe macros that avoid this kind of problem (*note Naming an Expression's Type: Naming Types.). However, writing `MIN' and `MAX' as macros also forces you to use function-call notation for a fundamental arithmetic operation. Using GNU C++ extensions, you can write `int min = i ?' are built into the compiler, they properly handle expressions with side-effects; `int min = i++ ' to the end of each template header. For library code, if you want the library to provide all of the template instantiations it needs, just try to link all of its object files together; the link will fail, but cause the instantiations to be generated as a side effect. Be warned, however, that this may cause conflicts if multiple libraries try to provide the same instantiations. For greater control, use explicit instantiation as described in the next option. 2. Compile your code with `-fno-implicit-templates' to disable the implicit generation of template instances, and explicitly instantiate all the ones you use. This approach requires more knowledge of exactly which instances you need than do the others, but it's less mysterious and allows greater control. You can scatter the explicit instantiations throughout your program, perhaps putting them in the translation units where the instances are used or the translation units that define the templates themselves; you can put all of the explicit instantiations you need into one big file; or you can create small files like #include "Foo.h" #include "" template class Foo; template ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Foo&); for each of the instances you need, and create a template instantiation library from those. If you are using Cfront-model code, you can probably get away with not using `-fno-implicit-templates' when compiling files that don't `#include' the member template definitions. If you use one big file to do the instantiations, you may want to compile it without `-fno-implicit-templates' so you get all of the instances required by your explicit instantiations (but not by any other files) without having to specify them as well. g++ has extended the template instantiation syntax outlined in the Working Paper to allow forward declaration of explicit instantiations and instantiation of the compiler support data for a template class (i.e. the vtable) without instantiating any of its members: extern template int max (int, int); inline template class Foo; 3. Do nothing. Pretend g++ does implement automatic instantiation management. Code written for the Borland model will work fine, but each translation unit will contain instances of each of the templates it uses. In a large program, this can lead to an unacceptable amount of code duplication. 4. Add `#pragma interface' to all files containing template definitions. For each of these files, add `#pragma implementation "FILENAME"' to the top of some `.C' file which `#include's it. Then compile everything with `-fexternal-templates'. The templates will then only be expanded in the translation unit which implements them (i.e. has a `#pragma implementation' line for the file where they live); all other files will use external references. If you're lucky, everything should work properly. If you get undefined symbol errors, you need to make sure that each template instance which is used in the program is used in the file which implements that template. If you don't have any use for a particular instance in that file, you can just instantiate it explicitly, using the syntax from the latest C++ working paper: template class A; template ostream& operator << (ostream&, const A&); This strategy will work with code written for either model. If you are using code written for the Cfront model, the file containing a class template and the file containing its member templates should be implemented in the same translation unit. A slight variation on this approach is to instead use the flag `-falt-external-templates'; this flag causes template instances to be emitted in the translation unit that implements the header where they are first instantiated, rather than the one which implements the file where the templates are defined. This header must be the same in all translation units, or things are likely to break. *Note Declarations and Definitions in One Header: C++ Interface, for more discussion of these pragmas. File:, Node: Bound member functions, Next: C++ Signatures, Prev: Template Instantiation, Up: C++ Extensions Extracting the function pointer from a bound pointer to member function ======================================================================= In C++, pointer to member functions (PMFs) are implemented using a wide pointer of sorts to handle all the possible call mechanisms; the PMF needs to store information about how to adjust the `this' pointer, and if the function pointed to is virtual, where to find the vtable, and where in the vtable to look for the member function. If you are using PMFs in an inner loop, you should really reconsider that decision. If that is not an option, you can extract the pointer to the function that would be called for a given object/PMF pair and call it directly inside the inner loop, to save a bit of time. Note that you will still be paying the penalty for the call through a function pointer; on most modern architectures, such a call defeats the branch prediction features of the CPU. This is also true of normal virtual function calls. The syntax for this extension is extern A a; extern int (A::*fp)(); typedef int (*fptr)(A *); fptr p = (fptr)(a.*fp); You must specify `-Wno-pmf-conversions' to use this extension. File:, Node: C++ Signatures, Prev: Bound member functions, Up: C++ Extensions Type Abstraction using Signatures ================================= In GNU C++, you can use the keyword `signature' to define a completely abstract class interface as a datatype. You can connect this abstraction with actual classes using signature pointers. If you want to use signatures, run the GNU compiler with the `-fhandle-signatures' command-line option. (With this option, the compiler reserves a second keyword `sigof' as well, for a future extension.) Roughly, signatures are type abstractions or interfaces of classes. Some other languages have similar facilities. C++ signatures are related to ML's signatures, Haskell's type classes, definition modules in Modula-2, interface modules in Modula-3, abstract types in Emerald, type modules in Trellis/Owl, categories in Scratchpad II, and types in POOL-I. For a more detailed discussion of signatures, see `Signatures: A Language Extension for Improving Type Abstraction and Subtype Polymorphism in C++' by Gerald Baumgartner and Vincent F. Russo (Tech report CSD-TR-95-051, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, August 1995, a slightly improved version appeared in *Software--Practice & Experience*, 25(8), pp. 863-889, August 1995). You can get the tech report by anonymous FTP from `' in `pub/gb/'. Syntactically, a signature declaration is a collection of member function declarations and nested type declarations. For example, this signature declaration defines a new abstract type `S' with member functions `int foo ()' and `int bar (int)': signature S { int foo (); int bar (int); }; Since signature types do not include implementation definitions, you cannot write an instance of a signature directly. Instead, you can define a pointer to any class that contains the required interfaces as a "signature pointer". Such a class "implements" the signature type. To use a class as an implementation of `S', you must ensure that the class has public member functions `int foo ()' and `int bar (int)'. The class can have other member functions as well, public or not; as long as it offers what's declared in the signature, it is suitable as an implementation of that signature type. For example, suppose that `C' is a class that meets the requirements of signature `S' (`C' "conforms to" `S'). Then C obj; S * p = &obj; defines a signature pointer `p' and initializes it to point to an object of type `C'. The member function call `int i = p->foo ();' executes ` ()'. Abstract virtual classes provide somewhat similar facilities in standard C++. There are two main advantages to using signatures instead: 1. Subtyping becomes independent from inheritance. A class or signature type `T' is a subtype of a signature type `S' independent of any inheritance hierarchy as long as all the member functions declared in `S' are also found in `T'. So you can define a subtype hierarchy that is completely independent from any inheritance (implementation) hierarchy, instead of being forced to use types that mirror the class inheritance hierarchy. 2. Signatures allow you to work with existing class hierarchies as implementations of a signature type. If those class hierarchies are only available in compiled form, you're out of luck with abstract virtual classes, since an abstract virtual class cannot be retrofitted on top of existing class hierarchies. So you would be required to write interface classes as subtypes of the abstract virtual class. There is one more detail about signatures. A signature declaration can contain member function *definitions* as well as member function declarations. A signature member function with a full definition is called a *default implementation*; classes need not contain that particular interface in order to conform. For example, a class `C' can conform to the signature signature T { int f (int); int f0 () { return f (0); }; }; whether or not `C' implements the member function `int f0 ()'. If you define `C::f0', that definition takes precedence; otherwise, the default implementation `S::f0' applies. File:, Node: Gcov, Next: Trouble, Prev: C++ Extensions, Up: Top `gcov': a Test Coverage Program ******************************* `gcov' is a tool you can use in conjunction with GNU CC to test code coverage in your programs. This chapter describes version 1.5 of `gcov'. * Menu: * Gcov Intro:: Introduction to gcov. * Invoking Gcov:: How to use gcov. * Gcov and Optimization:: Using gcov with GCC optimization. * Gcov Data Files:: The files used by gcov. File:, Node: Gcov Intro, Next: Invoking Gcov, Up: Gcov Introduction to `gcov' ====================== `gcov' is a test coverage program. Use it in concert with GNU CC to analyze your programs to help create more efficient, faster running code. You can use `gcov' as a profiling tool to help discover where your optimization efforts will best affect your code. You can also use `gcov' along with the other profiling tool, `gprof', to assess which parts of your code use the greatest amount of computing time. Profiling tools help you analyze your code's performance. Using a profiler such as `gcov' or `gprof', you can find out some basic performance statistics, such as: * how often each line of code executes * what lines of code are actually executed * how much computing time each section of code uses Once you know these things about how your code works when compiled, you can look at each module to see which modules should be optimized. `gcov' helps you determine where to work on optimization. Software developers also use coverage testing in concert with testsuites, to make sure software is actually good enough for a release. Testsuites can verify that a program works as expected; a coverage program tests to see how much of the program is exercised by the testsuite. Developers can then determine what kinds of test cases need to be added to the testsuites to create both better testing and a better final product. You should compile your code without optimization if you plan to use `gcov' because the optimization, by combining some lines of code into one function, may not give you as much information as you need to look for `hot spots' where the code is using a great deal of computer time. Likewise, because `gcov' accumulates statistics by line (at the lowest resolution), it works best with a programming style that places only one statement on each line. If you use complicated macros that expand to loops or to other control structures, the statistics are less helpful--they only report on the line where the macro call appears. If your complex macros behave like functions, you can replace them with inline functions to solve this problem. `gcov' creates a logfile called `SOURCEFILE.gcov' which indicates how many times each line of a source file `SOURCEFILE.c' has executed. You can use these logfiles along with `gprof' to aid in fine-tuning the performance of your programs. `gprof' gives timing information you can use along with the information you get from `gcov'. `gcov' works only on code compiled with GNU CC. It is not compatible with any other profiling or test coverage mechanism. File:, Node: Invoking Gcov, Next: Gcov and Optimization, Prev: Gcov Intro, Up: Gcov Invoking gcov ============= gcov [-b] [-v] [-n] [-l] [-f] [-o directory] SOURCEFILE Write branch frequencies to the output file, and write branch summary info to the standard output. This option allows you to see how often each branch in your program was taken. Display the `gcov' version number (on the standard error stream). Do not create the `gcov' output file. Create long file names for included source files. For example, if the header file `x.h' contains code, and was included in the file `a.c', then running `gcov' on the file `a.c' will produce an output file called `a.c.x.h.gcov' instead of `x.h.gcov'. This can be useful if `x.h' is included in multiple source files. Output summaries for each function in addition to the file level summary. The directory where the object files live. Gcov will search for `.bb', `.bbg', and `.da' files in this directory. When using `gcov', you must first compile your program with two special GNU CC options: `-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'. This tells the compiler to generate additional information needed by gcov (basically a flow graph of the program) and also includes additional code in the object files for generating the extra profiling information needed by gcov. These additional files are placed in the directory where the source code is located. Running the program will cause profile output to be generated. For each source file compiled with -fprofile-arcs, an accompanying `.da' file will be placed in the source directory. Running `gcov' with your program's source file names as arguments will now produce a listing of the code along with frequency of execution for each line. For example, if your program is called `tmp.c', this is what you see when you use the basic `gcov' facility: $ gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage tmp.c $ a.out $ gcov tmp.c 87.50% of 8 source lines executed in file tmp.c Creating tmp.c.gcov. The file `tmp.c.gcov' contains output from `gcov'. Here is a sample: main() { 1 int i, total; 1 total = 0; 11 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) 10 total += i; 1 if (total != 45) ###### printf ("Failure\n"); else 1 printf ("Success\n"); 1 } When you use the `-b' option, your output looks like this: $ gcov -b tmp.c 87.50% of 8 source lines executed in file tmp.c 80.00% of 5 branches executed in file tmp.c 80.00% of 5 branches taken at least once in file tmp.c 50.00% of 2 calls executed in file tmp.c Creating tmp.c.gcov. Here is a sample of a resulting `tmp.c.gcov' file: main() { 1 int i, total; 1 total = 0; 11 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) branch 0 taken = 91% branch 1 taken = 100% branch 2 taken = 100% 10 total += i; 1 if (total != 45) branch 0 taken = 100% ###### printf ("Failure\n"); call 0 never executed branch 1 never executed else 1 printf ("Success\n"); call 0 returns = 100% 1 } For each basic block, a line is printed after the last line of the basic block describing the branch or call that ends the basic block. There can be multiple branches and calls listed for a single source line if there are multiple basic blocks that end on that line. In this case, the branches and calls are each given a number. There is no simple way to map these branches and calls back to source constructs. In general, though, the lowest numbered branch or call will correspond to the leftmost construct on the source line. For a branch, if it was executed at least once, then a percentage indicating the number of times the branch was taken divided by the number of times the branch was executed will be printed. Otherwise, the message "never executed" is printed. For a call, if it was executed at least once, then a percentage indicating the number of times the call returned divided by the number of times the call was executed will be printed. This will usually be 100%, but may be less for functions call `exit' or `longjmp', and thus may not return everytime they are called. The execution counts are cumulative. If the example program were executed again without removing the `.da' file, the count for the number of times each line in the source was executed would be added to the results of the previous run(s). This is potentially useful in several ways. For example, it could be used to accumulate data over a number of program runs as part of a test verification suite, or to provide more accurate long-term information over a large number of program runs. The data in the `.da' files is saved immediately before the program exits. For each source file compiled with -fprofile-arcs, the profiling code first attempts to read in an existing `.da' file; if the file doesn't match the executable (differing number of basic block counts) it will ignore the contents of the file. It then adds in the new execution counts and finally writes the data to the file. File:, Node: Gcov and Optimization, Next: Gcov Data Files, Prev: Invoking Gcov, Up: Gcov Using `gcov' with GCC Optimization ================================== If you plan to use `gcov' to help optimize your code, you must first compile your program with two special GNU CC options: `-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'. Aside from that, you can use any other GNU CC options; but if you want to prove that every single line in your program was executed, you should not compile with optimization at the same time. On some machines the optimizer can eliminate some simple code lines by combining them with other lines. For example, code like this: if (a != b) c = 1; else c = 0; can be compiled into one instruction on some machines. In this case, there is no way for `gcov' to calculate separate execution counts for each line because there isn't separate code for each line. Hence the `gcov' output looks like this if you compiled the program with optimization: 100 if (a != b) 100 c = 1; 100 else 100 c = 0; The output shows that this block of code, combined by optimization, executed 100 times. In one sense this result is correct, because there was only one instruction representing all four of these lines. However, the output does not indicate how many times the result was 0 and how many times the result was 1. File:, Node: Gcov Data Files, Prev: Gcov and Optimization, Up: Gcov Brief description of `gcov' data files ====================================== `gcov' uses three files for doing profiling. The names of these files are derived from the original *source* file by substituting the file suffix with either `.bb', `.bbg', or `.da'. All of these files are placed in the same directory as the source file, and contain data stored in a platform-independent method. The `.bb' and `.bbg' files are generated when the source file is compiled with the GNU CC `-ftest-coverage' option. The `.bb' file contains a list of source files (including headers), functions within those files, and line numbers corresponding to each basic block in the source file. The `.bb' file format consists of several lists of 4-byte integers which correspond to the line numbers of each basic block in the file. Each list is terminated by a line number of 0. A line number of -1 is used to designate that the source file name (padded to a 4-byte boundary and followed by another -1) follows. In addition, a line number of -2 is used to designate that the name of a function (also padded to a 4-byte boundary and followed by a -2) follows. The `.bbg' file is used to reconstruct the program flow graph for the source file. It contains a list of the program flow arcs (possible branches taken from one basic block to another) for each function which, in combination with the `.bb' file, enables gcov to reconstruct the program flow. In the `.bbg' file, the format is: number of basic blocks for function #0 (4-byte number) total number of arcs for function #0 (4-byte number) count of arcs in basic block #0 (4-byte number) destination basic block of arc #0 (4-byte number) flag bits (4-byte number) destination basic block of arc #1 (4-byte number) flag bits (4-byte number) ... destination basic block of arc #N (4-byte number) flag bits (4-byte number) count of arcs in basic block #1 (4-byte number) destination basic block of arc #0 (4-byte number) flag bits (4-byte number) ... A -1 (stored as a 4-byte number) is used to separate each function's list of basic blocks, and to verify that the file has been read correctly. The `.da' file is generated when a program containing object files built with the GNU CC `-fprofile-arcs' option is executed. A separate `.da' file is created for each source file compiled with this option, and the name of the `.da' file is stored as an absolute pathname in the resulting object file. This path name is derived from the source file name by substituting a `.da' suffix. The format of the `.da' file is fairly simple. The first 8-byte number is the number of counts in the file, followed by the counts (stored as 8-byte numbers). Each count corresponds to the number of times each arc in the program is executed. The counts are cumulative; each time the program is executed, it attemps to combine the existing `.da' files with the new counts for this invocation of the program. It ignores the contents of any `.da' files whose number of arcs doesn't correspond to the current program, and merely overwrites them instead. All three of these files use the functions in `gcov-io.h' to store integers; the functions in this header provide a machine-independent mechanism for storing and retrieving data from a stream. File:, Node: Trouble, Next: Bugs, Prev: Gcov, Up: Top Known Causes of Trouble with GCC ******************************** This section describes known problems that affect users of GCC. Most of these are not GCC bugs per se--if they were, we would fix them. But the result for a user may be like the result of a bug. Some of these problems are due to bugs in other software, some are missing features that are too much work to add, and some are places where people's opinions differ as to what is best. * Menu: * Actual Bugs:: Bugs we will fix later. * Installation Problems:: Problems that manifest when you install GCC. * Cross-Compiler Problems:: Common problems of cross compiling with GCC. * Interoperation:: Problems using GCC with other compilers, and with certain linkers, assemblers and debuggers. * External Bugs:: Problems compiling certain programs. * Incompatibilities:: GCC is incompatible with traditional C. * Fixed Headers:: GNU C uses corrected versions of system header files. This is necessary, but doesn't always work smoothly. * Standard Libraries:: GNU C uses the system C library, which might not be compliant with the ISO/ANSI C standard. * Disappointments:: Regrettable things we can't change, but not quite bugs. * C++ Misunderstandings:: Common misunderstandings with GNU C++. * Protoize Caveats:: Things to watch out for when using `protoize'. * Non-bugs:: Things we think are right, but some others disagree. * Warnings and Errors:: Which problems in your code get warnings, and which get errors. File:, Node: Actual Bugs, Next: Installation Problems, Up: Trouble Actual Bugs We Haven't Fixed Yet ================================ * The `fixincludes' script interacts badly with automounters; if the directory of system header files is automounted, it tends to be unmounted while `fixincludes' is running. This would seem to be a bug in the automounter. We don't know any good way to work around it. * The `fixproto' script will sometimes add prototypes for the `sigsetjmp' and `siglongjmp' functions that reference the `jmp_buf' type before that type is defined. To work around this, edit the offending file and place the typedef in front of the prototypes. * There are several obscure case of mis-using struct, union, and enum tags that are not detected as errors by the compiler. * When `-pedantic-errors' is specified, GCC will incorrectly give an error message when a function name is specified in an expression involving the comma operator. * Loop unrolling doesn't work properly for certain C++ programs. This is a bug in the C++ front end. It sometimes emits incorrect debug info, and the loop unrolling code is unable to recover from this error.